Best Practices for Success – Blogging

WordPress is already perhaps the best platform for any blog with tons of built-in SEO features. I’m sure you could find 10,000 articles on how to start a sucessful real estate blog online, but I want to give you a few strong recommendations. (According to the real estate blog that I run is a top #100 real estate blog in the world.)

Post 2 – 3 Times a Month or Don’t Bother

You will start to get increased SEO traffic if you post at least 2-3 times a month and each article is at least 500 words. If you can’t commit to that, then I don’t recommend starting, it won’t help. Oh, and use a nice image with every article too. It’s a must. I prefer for this, but there are lots of options out there.

Pick 2 – 12 Themes to Write About

Use the WordPress Category function (don’t worry about the tag function, you can if you want, but I don’t). Don’t write about different topics everytime you sit down to write a new blog. Pick 2 – 12 themes or categories you want to write about and keep writing! Cycle through your categories regularly and don’t let too much time pass before you update one. For example, don’t have 10 different categories if you’re only planning to write three articles a month, have at max. four categories let’s say. But if you’re planning to write three articles a week, you should have at least ten categories.

Be Patient. Very patient.

Successful blogging doesn’t happen in a month, doesn’t happen in three months, usually not six months. You need to be regularly blogging (typically) for up to a year before you start seeing great results. Good news is, the longer you keep blogging the greater the return!

If you hire a writer …

Yes it can be a great idea to hire a writer, whether you hire us to create blog posts for you or you hire someone else. But be careful! There are tons of terrible generic writers producing hundreds of thousands of junk articles everyday. Google is smarter than you might think and won’t reward the junk. Make sure you know what you’re doing before you hire out. Every writing platform can make great promises, very few are successful.