Go window shopping, even if you’re not buying for yourself!
You need to understand the abilities of the system so you can help your clients take advantage of it.
Even though we created the VestorFilter™ system, we’re still learning new ways to apply it to benefit our clients.
Example 1. Home buyers swarm like flies over brand new listings and often miss homes that have been sitting on the market and suddenly drop the price (to where it should have been before). In addition to a new on the market home alert, shouldn’t your home buyers be getting price drop alerts that match their search criteria? Of course they should – and that is where biggest price drop last 7 days VestorFilter™ comes in. Yes, it ranks by the biggest drop, but it gives you ALL the drops and if you apply it to your client’s matching search criteria it will auto-alert them to this vital information and rank it for them by biggest price drop.
Example 2. Have a strange but serious home buyer need? Use the custom keyword search and save it. Equestrian property typically isn’t a checkbox in most MLS systems, but it is often something a real estate agent will write in the description. The same goes for buyers that are only looking for Penthouse condos, most agents will write that it is a Penthouse in the description, but most MLS systems don’t have a checkbox for that. Use your imagination with this one, we’re always coming up with new fun ways to find the unique things our clients are looking for using the custom keyword search filter.
Example 3. Have any investors? VestorFilter™ is unbelievably fantastic for them. Every single property page they land on has numerous VestorFilters™ automatically – every time – crunching the numbers on that property in a variety of ways. Best price per unit is fantastic for multifamily. Best price per acre for land for sale for developers (notice local zoning is also displayed on every landing property page). Longest on the market is a great way for them to pick up deals from desperate home sellers. Smart Fixer List is perhaps the best of them all – searching through all property descriptions picking up on numerous words, MLS checkboxes, all to compile every potential distressed sale and fixer into one list at once.
Example 4. Think VestorFilter™ sites are only for home buyers and investors? Nope. These sites are fantastic for homeowners thinking about selling (many, but not all MLS systems allow us to display sold homes.) Homeowners love know what is selling in their neighborhood and to see how much it sold for. You can set up search criteria for any of your prospects or past client homeowners that auto sends them an email every time a home sells in their neighborhood (or better yet a daily, weekly, or monthly digest). This is a great way to use the platform to stay in touch with your sphere, past clients, and future home sellers.
Honestly, I could go on and on, but all I want to do here is whet your appetite. Play with the system to find out all it might be able to do for your clients and then help them out by creating an Agent Recommended search criteria on their saved page.