
Custom Maps

Creating Custom Neighborhood or Community Pages and Maps

VestorFilter™ websites can create incredible neighborhood or community pages complete with custom maps that update...
Real Estate Agent IDX Wordpress Websites

Need More Help?

Create a ticket. If you are logged into the site backend as a Site Manager,...
Real Estate Agent IDX Wordpress Websites

How to set up and use the Roster

The Roster is not your Agent’s login information, you can find your Agent’s login information...
MLS IDX Wordpress Broker Websites

Dashboard 101

Access the Main Dashboard After you’re logged in (for this article I’ll be logged as...
MLS IDX Wordpress Broker Websites

Site Manager Abilities – Automated Task Choices and Agent Task Creation

Creating a single task When logged in as a Site Manager it is easy to...
Stephen FitzMaurice

Step #3 Creating Tasks and setting up Automatic Task Management

Manager level users can choose which auto tasks they’d like to run as default. This...
Brokerage IDX Websites

Site Manager Abilities – Export CSV Leads, Edit Text and Email Campaigns

There are five different user types on VestorFilter™ websites. Site Managers have the highest level...
Brokerage IDX Websites

Best Practices for Success – Understand the POWER of VestorFilters

Go window shopping, even if you’re not buying for yourself! You need to understand the...
Brokerage IDX Websites

Best Practices for Success – Sort, Tag, and Take Notes on All Users

If you add a lot of clients and generate a lot of new leads with...
Brokerage IDX Websites

Best Practices for Success – Add a Lender to your Team

Our mortgage calculator is no joke, really good. The page comes with a nice section...
Brokerage IDX Websites

Best Practices for Success – Blogging

WordPress is already perhaps the best platform for any blog with tons of built-in SEO... LLC

Best Practices for Success – When a New Lead Comes In

First, we will go over the four types of lead sources on a VestorFilter™ site... LLC

3 Automatic System Followups for New Registered Users

Three Automatic Followup Systems When a new user registers: 1. The VestorFilter™ system will immediately...